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Training Solutions > Soft Skills Development Program (SDP)>Two Day Work Shops


Analytical Thinking

Thinking is deemed to occur naturally and often involuntarily, rather than managed as an observable behaviour. In this 2 day workshop, we focus on analytical thinking within the framework of creativity, problem solving and decision making arena

Assertive Communication Skills

This insightful 2-day program focuses on assertiveness as an integral part of interpersonal interaction. You will l earn how to communicate assertively, without creating unnecessary conflict, and acquire specific assertiveness skills that help you deal with an environment where you are expected to provide thought leadership.

Conflict Management and Problem Solving

Conflict is a natural phenomenon of organisational life, We experience it in all dimensions of human interaction, ranging from the interpersonal to the industrial, from the social to the political levels. This 2 Day program is designed to help you understand the symptoms of conflict and solve if it exists.

Conflict Management and Porblem Solving

Conflict is a natural phenomenon of organisational life, We experience it in all dimensions of human interaction, ranging from the interpersonal to the industrial, from the social to the political levels. This 2 Day program is designed to help you understand the symptoms of conflict and solve if it exists

Creating a Cohesive Team

Linking Individuals into a chain and eliciting performance out of them is a challenge every manager faces. Added to this responsibility, he also needs to align personal goals to organization objectives. The capacity to resolve conflicts in teams is critical to their ongoing, effective functioning. This 2n day program is designed to give invaluable insights into group behaviour and the elements of Team Building.

Business Communication Skills

Attending this intensive 2-day training program is the first step towards mastering these skills. You will acquire a number of proven and practical communication techniques and learn to apply them in different situations that arise in your working environment each and every day

Customer Service Excelllence

This 2-day training course will apply simple and proven techniques of establishing and maintaining a culture of superior customer care to build profitable and lasting customer relations. We will also understand the nuances of Customer lifecycle management, Customer retention and the evolution from Customer Service to Customer centric organizations.

Dealing with Difficult Individuals

You will learn proven techniques of maintaining control of difficult situations and defusing challenging behaviour by others. Learning to deal with difficult people in a professional and diplomatic manner will ensure that they think twice about challenging you in future, opting to resolve problems using a reasonable, professional approach

Professional Business Writing

This workshop will enable you to write professional e-mails, Business letters, memos, proposals, reports and other business documents that are quick and easy to read, clearly understood and contain all the necessary information

High Performance Selling

This program covers the basic selling skills and techniques, whether conducted face-to-face or over the phone. This is a practical case driven course, with plenty of role play sessions. It will include facilitation selling and persuasive selling techniques. The facilitator will assume that all learners attending the course will have reasonable product knowledge

Change Management

Managing change is crucial to success in today's fast passed world. Change needs to be managed in a purposeful and sensitive way. This course helps staff at all levels to manage change effectively.

Stress Management

This comprehensive 2-day course in stress mastery will enable you to take control of the risks, responsibilities and opportunities you are faced with daily. You will learn to deal effectively with difficult people and situations that increase the pressure in the workplace and impact on your stress levels. This will ensure that you are able to channel your energy into the realisation of your personal and professional goals, without suffering the consequences of stress.

Negotiation Skills

“You do not get what you deserve, but you get what you Negotiate” This practical 2-day workshop has been developed to provide managers with the fundamental skills of negotiation in any business environment. It will provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to make a start in mastering the complex nature of negotiation and ensuring that you are able to obtain maximum benefit from any negotiation process

Power Mentoring

This highly practical 2 day course will teach you how to use the powerful tool of mentoring to develop your employees. Discover how successful mentors and protégés get the most out of their relationships