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Understanding Group Behaviour and Management Conflict


There is nothing more demoralizing for a Manager who has a well trained, experience team, yet not performing well and unable to meet expectations. What went wrong? What should manager to do correct the situation? This course is beneficial for all Managers and Team leaders to realize that within every organisation, there are group dynamics that influence individual behaviour, creating a conflicting situation. Understanding how individuals behave in a group can equip a Manager pre-empt and prevent unhealthy conflicts in organisations.

What’s in it for you?.... At the end of just 4 days, you will learn….

  • How to understand the under currents in an organisation in spite of no apparent manifestation
  • Why do individuals behave as they do?
  • The intense correlation between organisational behaviour and organisational conflict
  • How to work towards a win-win approach
  • How to pre-empt, prevent and synergise conflicts to ultimately enhance organisational performance

Who Should Attend

Middle Management wishing to improve their man-management abilities, Team leaders and those who are potential successors to existing managers should attend this course.

In an immersive environment, you participate in a challenging, multimedia case study, as well as individual and group activities to apply management tools, techniques and strategies. Activities include:

What’s in it for you?.... At the end of just 4 days, you will learn….

  • Recognizing different behavioural styles amongst others
  • Understanding one’s own natural inclination towards a style
  • Realizing how attitudes, personality, perceptions formulate behaviour
  • Simulating a complex environment to understand how one can synergize harmony and conflict
  • Mapping your teamwork environment to analyze group dynamics
  • Understanding correlation between Management style and group think
  • Affecting behaviour with appropriate measures
  • Role-playing effective feedback techniques
  • Creating your personal management plan

What’s in it for you?.... At the end of just 4 days, you will learn….

  • How your attitude determines your altitude
  • How the future belongs to the common man with un-common determination
  • The intense correlation between attitude and stress
  • The relation between pressure and performance
  • How to minimise stress and maximise control

Participants Learn

  • How employees and Managers bring their individual difference to work everyday
  • Does your subordinate like to be told what to do?
  • Why do people behave the way they do?
  • Are your perceptions governed by stereo-typing and a halo-effect
  • Is harmony normal and conflict abnormal?
  • Is conflict a result of a personality problem?
  • Organisational and managerial reasons stimulating conflict
  • How does one pre-empt a conflict situation
  • What do well managed conflicts do to group performance?