Present day situation transformed our life style a totally dependent of Electrical Energy while looking at the consumption levels of around 13000 KWH per head per year in US & European countries to 600 KWH per head per year in India. The demand for electrical power has become a continual enhancing process and today with an installed capacity of 159 GW a peak demand shortage of 11.6% still haunts us. India as growing super power need to focus on this sector and enable right decisions to increase the generation capacity to 306 GW in next 10 years considering our 8% growth rate.
Our limited primary energy sources such as coal of 200 billion tonnes, natural gas of 700 billion cubic meters and oil of 700 million Tonnes can produce electricity for over 200 years considering present demand. Coal dominates at 80%
The alarming situation of our primary energy sources is driving us to explore renewable energy sources such as Biomass, Solar, Wind, Hydal, Geothermal and Tydal, etc. India has excellent potential for Solar and wind power. India has solar radiation in the order of 200 MW/ sq km. Our country’s vast area of 3287 million sq. Km can produce 657.4 million MW of solar power but utilisation of area for agriculture, forests, dwelling, etc restricts mere 12.5% of area for solar power generation.
Here looking at strength and weakness of the power industry in India, HACOO Power has given a serious thought for the above mentioned situation and decided to promote Renewable energy with a determination to save our future generations.
Our vision is also to establish a presence in other forms of power generation such as Bio Mass, hydro, wind and tydal with a focus on solar and other forms of environment friendly renewable energy sources.
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